Fakturo Subscriptions

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[su_quote]Subscriptions is an add-on developed for Fakturo plugin that allows recurring billing at different intervals, for manual or automatic billing to customers over specified periods of time.[/su_quote]

Keep control of the monthly payments or subscriptions for fully scheduleable periods of time with the possibility of obtaining automatic invoicing on the due date, either leaving it pending for review or completed and with the automated sending in PDF format by email to the customer.

[su_column size=”1/3″ center=”no” class=”service_feature-block”]
[su_service title=”Subscriptions by periods” icon=”icon: calendar-check-o” icon_color=”#ffffff” size=”32″ class=”service_custom-icon”]Manage subscriptions individually for each customer, setting the subscription period, these invoices can end on a specific date, by number of invoices or never, depending on your configuration.[/su_service][/su_column]
[su_column size=”1/3″ center=”no” class=”service_feature-block”][su_service title=”Single creation in context” icon=”icon: icon: edit” icon_color=”#ffffff” size=”32″ class=”service_custom-icon”]Fakturo Subscriptions includes the manual addition of a periodic subscription or can be created automatically by confirming and saving the first invoice of the period for the customer specified in it.[/su_service][/su_column]
[su_column size=”1/3″ center=”no” class=”service_feature-block”][su_service title=”Automatic billing” icon=”icon: file-text” icon_color=”#ffffff” size=”32″ class=”service_custom-icon”]The billing of any good or service will be done automatically for each customer subscribed by fully programmable periods per day of the month or number of days, or by weeks, months, years or multiples of them.[/su_service][/su_column]

[su_heading size=”18″ align=”left” margin=”10″ class=”titulo-principal”]MAIN FEATURES[/su_heading]

[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””][su_service title=”Period configuration” icon=”icon: calendar” icon_color=”#ffffff” size=”20″ class=”service_custom-icon-small”]Establishes different time intervals by configuring different types of periods for the automatic creation of invoices for goods or services.[/su_service][/su_column]
[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””][su_service title=”Billing at the end of each month” icon=”icon: file-text-o” icon_color=”#ffffff” size=”20″ class=”service_custom-icon-small”]Allows you to create or not invoices only at the end of each month directly without the need to set or configure intervals.[/su_service][/su_column]
[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””][su_service title=”Tax condition” icon=”icon: calculator” icon_color=”#ffffff” size=”20″ class=”service_custom-icon-small”]Manages taxes and the default tax condition for each customer, by invoice type, or by product.[/su_service][/su_column]
[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””][su_service title=”Discounts by subscription” icon=”icon: percent” icon_color=”#ffffff” size=”20″ class=”service_custom-icon-small”]Discounts are a popular feature in all businesses, you can define a percentage discount for each subscribed customer.[/su_service][/su_column]
[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””][su_service title=”Send invoices by email” icon=”icon: envelope” icon_color=”#ffffff” size=”20″ class=”service_custom-icon-small”]Allows you to send PDF invoices attached to emails automatically to previously subscribed customers.[/su_service][/su_column]
[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””][su_service title=”Comprehensive contextual help” icon=”icon: exclamation-circle” icon_color=”#ffffff” size=”20″ class=”service_custom-icon-small”]Integrated to use WordPress contextual help. On each screen of the system is the top Help tab explaining that stage of the process.[/su_service][/su_column]

[su_heading size=”18″ align=”left” margin=”10″ class=”titulo-principal”]Screenshots[/su_heading]

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