The Sad Passing of Famous Pinball Artist Stanley Fukuoka & His Final Project

I’m sad to report that two days ago, the renowned pinball artist Stanley Fukuoka passed away at the age of 69 after a long battle with Leukemia. Stanley created the artwork for the 1996 Capcom pinball machine Breakshot. He also created the artwork for two iconic cancelled Capcom games, Big Bang Bar and Kingpin.

I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with Stan a couple of times over the years and he was always super nice. Last year, I reported here about seeing several of his sketches for sale at the Silverball Arcade in Asbury Park, New Jersey. I will include pictures of those below.

A friend of Stan’s reached out to me this afternoon to share two pictures that he was working on for a project when he passed away. They asked that I share them on my page to show that he was working on right up to the end.

Rest in Peace Stan. My thoughts go out to his family.

Below are links to his obituary and website:

Pictures from Stanley Fukuoka’s Final Project:

The Pictures that I saw for sale at the Silverball Arcade:

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The Sad Passing of Famous Pinball Artist Stanley Fukuoka & His Final Project

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