CSZ: Ground-breaking ceremony for the Einhausen community center – Sustainable new building begins

The ground-breaking ceremony for the new Einhausen community center took place on August 15. A modern center for sport, culture and community is being built at Friedensstraße 3 and is dedicated to cohesion and sustainable development. CSZ is responsible for the statics and building physics and is supporting 1100Architects to create a lively, economical and sustainable center. The community center impresses with its barrier-free design and contemporary architecture as well as its sustainable approach. The concrete mass was reduced through the use of displacement bodies. A photovoltaic system on the green roof and modern building technology ensure high energy efficiency and reduce the ecological footprint. In addition, rainwater is used to irrigate the green areas, which further strengthens the environmental friendliness of the project. CSZ is proud to support this important community project and looks forward to accompanying the community of Einhausen on the road to completion.

1100 Architect

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