Ripple CTO Criticizes X’s Community Notes and AI Content on Quora

Ripple stands at the epicenter of the fintech universe, commanding attention with its relentless innovation and high-profile endorsements. As CEO Brad Garlinghouse lauds the inclusion of XRP in CME Group’s real-time indices—a move seen as a precursor to institutional crypto dominance—CTO David Schwartz battles the forces of misinformation on X and critiques AI-generated content with his trademark candor. Simultaneously, Ripple basks in the glory of being named among the world’s top 250 fintech companies.

Ripple CTO David Schwartz Criticizes X’s Community Notes and AI Usage on Quora

Ripple’s Chief Technology Officer, David Schwartz, recently took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to express his dissatisfaction with one of the app’s features—Community Notes. This feature, which has garnered full support from X’s owner Elon Musk, aims to correct misinformation by adding context to tweets. Schwartz’s comments sparked an immediate and lively response from the XRP community, revealing an interesting dynamic between the Ripple executive and the broader social media landscape.

In a recent tweet, David Schwartz noted that he has never received a community note from the team responsible for this feature. His tweet, which included a sad smiley, seemed to convey a mix of disappointment and irony.Â

Schwartz’s observation quickly gained traction within the XRP community. Users responded with a variety of suggestions on how he might catch the attention of Community Notes. One user humorously suggested that Schwartz should ”say something wrong about XRP” to get noticed, while another user provided screenshots showing that some of Schwartz’s tweets were close to receiving a community note.

The underlying implication of never having been corrected by Community Notes is that Schwartz’s tweets are accurate and do not contain misinformation. This aligns with the feature’s goal to ensure the spread of reliable information on the platform. Despite this positive interpretation, Schwartz’s tweet indicates a level of dissatisfaction, possibly tied to his frequent critical posts about Elon Musk.

Community Notes, introduced earlier this year, has been a polarizing feature on X. It allows users to add context to potentially misleading tweets, a function that has both supporters and detractors. Musk, the innovative entrepreneur and owner of X, has been a vocal proponent of Community Notes, advocating for its role in combating misinformation. However, not all users share Musk’s enthusiasm, and some, like Schwartz, have voiced their concerns.

Schwartz’s history of critical tweets towards Musk adds another layer to his recent comments. The Ripple CTO has not shied away from expressing his views on Musk’s initiatives, often taking a contrarian stance. This dynamic has likely influenced his experience with Community Notes, as his tweets scrutinizing Musk might not be well-received by the platform’s moderation team.

Earlier this week, Schwartz shifted his critical gaze towards another tech giant—Quora. In a tweet, he took aim at the AI-generated questions produced by Quora’s Prompt Generator. Schwartz sarcastically praised the platform, saying, “High-quality AI-generated questions, as usual. Keep up the good work, @Quora.”Â

Quora’s AI-based question generation has been a topic of debate among users. While some appreciate the innovative approach to content creation, others, like Schwartz, criticize the quality and relevance of the generated questions.Â

The Ripple Effect on Social Media and AI Critiques

As Ripple’s CTO, Schwartz’s opinions carry significant weight. His influence extends beyond the XRP community, reaching a broader audience interested in the intersection of technology, finance, and social media. By voicing his dissatisfaction with Community Notes and AI-generated content, Schwartz sparks important conversations about the future of these technologies and their impact on users.

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Highlights XRP’s Milestone with CME Group’s New Indices

Meanwhile, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse has also taken to X to announce a significant milestone for XRP. The Chicago-based derivatives exchange CME Group has unveiled its plan to launch real-time indices and reference rates for XRP in collaboration with CF Benchmarks, a move that signals growing institutional interest in the cryptocurrency.

Garlinghouse emphasized the importance of having a ”trusted benchmark reference rate” for XRP, viewing it as a crucial step towards the development of institutional crypto products. ”The market has spoken,” he declared, highlighting the demand for reliable price feeds among institutional investors.Â

In addition to XRP, CME Group has also launched real-time indices and reference rates for Internet Computer (ICP). These indices will be updated every second, based on order book activity from major digital asset trading platforms such as Coinbase, Bitstamp, and Kraken. Daily benchmark prices for these cryptocurrencies will be provided at 4 p.m. UTC, offering a consistent and reliable pricing mechanism for market participants.

CME Group’s initiative to provide real-time indices and reference rates began with Bitcoin back in 2016. Over the years, the exchange has expanded these products to include a range of other cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum, Algorand, Avalanche, Bitcoin Cash, Cardano, Chainlink, Litecoin, Stellar Lumens, Uniswap, and various other altcoins.Â

The launch of these indices has reignited speculation about the potential for an XRP Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF). Garlinghouse has previously expressed his belief that the introduction of an XRP ETF is ”inevitable.” The creation of a trusted benchmark reference rate is a critical step towards this goal, as it provides the necessary infrastructure for institutional-grade investment products.

Last month, VanEck and 21Shares filed applications to launch spot Solana ETFs, indicating a broader trend towards cryptocurrency ETFs. Additionally, spot Ethereum ETFs are expected to begin trading this July, following the recent filing of S-1 forms by multiple prospective issuers.Â

The Significance of Real-Time Indices and Reference Rates

The introduction of real-time indices and reference rates for XRP and ICP is a strong indication of the maturation of the cryptocurrency market. These tools provide a reliable and transparent pricing mechanism, which is essential for the growth and adoption of institutional crypto products. By collaborating with CF Benchmarks, CME Group is leveraging its expertise in derivatives and financial markets to enhance the credibility and stability of cryptocurrency trading.

The recent move by the CME aligns with broader trends in the financial industry, where there is a clear shift towards the integration of digital assets into traditional investment portfolios. As more institutions seek exposure to cryptocurrencies, the demand for reliable and transparent pricing mechanisms will continue to grow, driving further innovation and adoption in the sector.

Ripple Named Among Top 250 Fintech Companies Worldwide

In a related development, Ripple has been recognized as one of the top 250 fintech companies globally. This accolade, bestowed by CNBC and market research firm Statista, highlights Ripple’s sustained growth and innovation within the fintech industry.

Between March and May 2024, CNBC and Statista conducted a comprehensive analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs) for over 2,000 eligible organizations. The evaluation aimed to identify the top 250 fintech companies worldwide.Â

Ripple’s inclusion in the list, particularly in the digital assets category, demonstrates its role in providing platforms and tools for accessing and utilizing digital assets and blockchain-based applications, including cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This marks the second consecutive year Ripple has been recognized for its significant impact in the digital asset sector.

In response to this recognition, Ripple President Monica Long took to X to express her excitement and gratitude. Long tweeted, ”Stoked to make this list for a second year in a row – a testament to Ripple’s momentum amongst a peer set of the world’s most impressive global financial institutions.”Â

Despite this achievement, Ripple is not resting on its laurels. The company is focused on expanding the adoption of its solutions and forming new partnerships globally. Earlier this month, Ripple introduced a new ”Try It” feature in its Ripple Payments API documentation, allowing developers to test API requests in real time without logging in or using real funds. This feature is designed to streamline the development process and encourage more widespread use of Ripple’s payment solutions.

Expanding Partnerships and Innovations

In June, Ripple and Archax, the U.K.’s first Financial Conduct Authority-regulated digital asset exchange, announced an extension of their existing collaboration. This partnership is expected to bring hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tokenized real-world assets (RWAs) into the XRP Ledger (XRPL) over the coming year.Â

Additionally, Ripple is set to launch its stablecoin, RLUSD, later this year. The introduction of RLUSD is anticipated to enhance the utility of the XRP Ledger by providing a stable digital asset for transactions, further solidifying Ripple’s position in the digital finance ecosystem.

Ripple’s recognition as one of the top 250 fintech companies shines the spotlight on its ongoing efforts to revolutionize the financial industry through blockchain technology and digital assets. The company’s innovations in cross-border payments and asset tokenization are setting new standards for efficiency and transparency in the financial sector.

Ripple’s XRP Ledger, known for its speed and scalability, continues to be a cornerstone of the company’s success. The recent developments, including the expansion of partnerships and the introduction of new features and products, demonstrate Ripple’s commitment to staying at the forefront of the fintech revolution.

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